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comments (16)

Tracy's vagina is back with us today after a month long absence....oh wait, Tracy is

also back! LOL - How many photos do we need of MOSTLY her vagina? I think the

photographer has proven to us that Tracy is in fact a female. Sadly for Lizard her

landing strip is MIA. Her navel jewelry is gone as well. And she still has too much eye

makeup. The photography today sucks and Tracy is really boring to me now.... (:<(

Gotta disagree w/DB today, I love the clean shave, all the smokin' backdoor shots, those perky tits and the nice smile. Looks the best I have seen of her (tho she does have other sweet sets), 5 stars and a standing invitation from me!
Fortunately, I AM here to see FEMALES ;-{&#12299;!

She was boring last time. She still is. She lacks spark... her hair is the wrong colour for her and looks frumpy. Next

Tracy is definitely put her best crotch forward, and for those of us who find her mousey pointed face unappealing, this is great news. What can I say she is not attractive to me.

The Good: Tracy has a pretty pink vagina and is well groomed; no stubble obscuring the view of her best part.

The Bad: This girl is a brunette and should not dye her hair this blonde. It washes her out and adds to an already unappealing look.

The Ugly: I would bang her from behind anyway, because she has a smokin' hot bod. I guess I'm just weak! Maybe, she has a great personality?

DBC has a point. Just how many pictures does it take to demonstrate that this young woman has a labia? Certainly 3 would be sufficient. Uninspired photographers produce uninspiring photography.

I tried to solve the maze on that bed, but I was distracted by her smooth body and those pretty eyes!

She has Kirk Douglas' chin. Nice snatch though. The bottled blonde look is lame.

Da-ang, even Jules Verne would no doubt have "writers block" in this one!


Clean and frisky. Good combo.

A beautiful woman.

Thanks for the show.

The attraction was clear and over a beer
We volleyed on Camus and Sarte
Then to drive home my point
I slipped her my joint
As her thesis and legs fell apart
While I pumped her with air
I queried "Voltaire?
He's always been close to my heart
She responded in kind
As she thrashed her behind
And let out with a rip roaring fart.

A mina tem uma das bucetas mais lindas do mundo e tem nego que tá reclamando. O loco meu! Puta duma gostosa!

Beautiful face, body and pussy!
Still...does NOT do anything for me.
Still...looks uncomfortable showing her pretty clit.
Still...needs a good photographer and someone to convince her that showing off her slit is not a bad thing.
Otherwise, she should get out of this business, get married and have 3-4 kids!

The Hair Color Is Wrong ...

She Should Leave It The Same Color As Her Landing Strip. ( When She Grows It Back) ...

I love this, all in good proportions.

In #18 lijkt ze wat op Claudia Schiffer ..
Ik zie haar graag voorbij komen hier. Ze laat haar kutje graag zien en dat ziet er allemaal gezond uit.
Krijg er in ieder geval honger van

I don't know what it is about Tracy, but she just has the sex appeal of a cauliflower to me...



